Turners Shipping’s Trade Finance service has struck a chord with South African importers. This is according to Francois Schutte, the company’s Strategic Supply Chain Manager who reports a 50% increase in their trade finance business over the past year.

“Our start-to-finish combination trade finance and logistics solution helps overcome the misalignment of operational and cash flow cycles associated with sourcing goods globally, freeing up your net working capital position while remaining a cost-effective option for importers.”

“Turners Shipping manages every aspect of the process, from the time the importer places an order with the supplier to the time that the products have been distributed locally. We are the client’s single point of contact throughout the process,” says Schutte.  We entertain applications which range from R1 million to R100 million.

Turners Shipping introduced its Trade Finance service five years ago and Schutte attributes its success to a number of factors. “We work to identify clients who will derive maximum benefit from the service; tailor the service to their particular needs, and the fully transparent accounting is presented in such a way that the importer can determine the total landed cost of each item imported.