One hundred members from the Durban office of Turners Shipping headed down the South coast for the annual team building. The theme for this year was ‘Motivation and Empowerment’.
In the above photo, from left are Sasha Lawrence, Alain Lobo, and Sansiya Govender who, along with their colleagues, placed their palm print on one of three canvasses representing their commitment to the values expressed during the team building.
This year’s team building was held at Umthunzi Hotel on the KZN south coast. While the activities saw teams competing against each other, they were centred around strengthening the Turners team as a whole.
By far the most popular and rewarding activity was the video challenge. Teams were given a short lesson in film making. Armed with an iPad teams had to script, film and edit a corporate video. They had to work within a given theme, and this is where their creativity came to the fore. Some proved to be natural scriptwriters, others were good behind the camera, and for most, being in front of the camera was more difficult than expected.
“The results were most rewarding,” said Blain Kondiah, Managing Director of Turners Shipping.
“The ideas and content generated by the various teams is of tremendous value, and we will be working with the marketing team to find ways of incorporating some of it into the company’s marketing efforts during the year.”
The corporate video challenge proved popular, revealing a number of budding directors, actors and scriptwriters among the Turners staff. Here Randeer Jairaj gets a countdown from Brigitte Dewar while Matthew Naidoo looks on during the filming of their video.
Taniya Ramnarian and fellow team members had their memory for faces tested during the CSI challenge. Teams were given a series of clues and scenes to investigate, and had to come up with a solution to the puzzle. Many found their powers of observation aren’t quite as good as they thought.