Page 9 - Turners Shipping Company Profile
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We assist community projects, programmes and initiatives by giving financial and material support
and by providing skills where necessary.
Our Green Leaf Initiative gives us the opportunity to express one of our core values, working towards
a sustainable future.
The Green Leaf Initiative works towards the
betterment of the environment; aims to benefit
our immediate community and society in
general; while making economic sense.
GREEN LEAF OBJECTIVES Ours is a proven and established project with
tangible results. Over the past decade we have
gone from concept to implementation and today
are enjoying the benefits of the programme.
We aim to reduce our energy consumption END RESULT
and operate our business in an environmentally
responsible manner and in line with practices The programme started at our Head Office and
that contribute towards a sustainable future. has been introduced throughout the Group of
Companies. Most satisfying is that some of our
ENERGY CONSUMPTION staff have taken some of these practices into
their homes.
We have introduced various measures at our
offices which reduce energy consumption. We This initiative gives Turners Shipping a concrete
harvest rainwater, and have a programme to way to practice what we preach, while calling
recycle and manage our waste. Looking to the attention to the efforts of our employees to
future, we evaluate new technologies as they create and enjoy a more environmentally
become available. friendly workplace.
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