Page 7 - Turners Shipping Glossary of Terms
P. 7


TERM                       DESCRIPTION

DAT (INCOTERM)             One of 11 INCOTERMS, can be used for any mode of transport. “Delivered at Terminal”,
                           means that the seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from the arriving means of
DDC                        transport, are placed at the disposal of the buyer at a named terminal at the named port
                           or place of destination. “Terminal” includes any place, whether covered or not, such as a
DDP (INCOTERM)             quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal. The seller has to bear
                           all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them at the terminal at the named
Dead Space                 port or place of destination.
Deferred Payment Credit
(DPC)                      Destination Delivery Charges. A charge assessed by the carrier for handling positioning
Delivery Order             of a full container.
Demurrage (Dem.)
Depot, Container           One of 11 INCOTERMS, can be used for any mode of transport. “Delivered Duty Paid’,
Destination                means that the seller delivers the goods when the goods are placed at the disposal of
Detention                  the buyer, cleared for import on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at
Devanning                  the named place of destination. The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved
DFA                        in bringing the goods to that place and has an obligation to clear the goods not only for
Distribution               export but also for import, to pay any duty for both export and import and to carry out all
Diversion                  customs formalities.
Dock                       Space in a car, truck, vessel, etc., that is not utilized.
Documentary Credit
Documents of Title         A DC which allows the nomination of a bank, or the issuing bank to effect payment against
Door-to-Door               stipulated documents at a maturity date as specified or determinable from the wording of
Drawback                   the credit.
Dry Cargo
                           A document authorizing delivery to a nominated party of goods in the care of a third party.
                           Can be issued by a carrier on surrender of a bill of lading and then used by merchant to
                           transfer title by endorsement.

                           Charge raised for detaining FCL container/trailer at a terminal/CY for longer period than
                           provided in a tariff. Also known as Wharf Storage in Australia.

                           Container freight station or a designated area where empty containers can be picked up
                           or dropped off.

                           The place where carrier actually turns over cargo to consignee or his agent.

                           Charges raised for detaining container/trailer at customer’s premises for longer period
                           than provided in Tariff.

                           The removal of cargo from a container. Also known as unstuffing, unloading or stripping.

                           Duty Free Allowance

                           The process of storing, transporting goods between the end of the production line and
                           the final customer. It involves set of activities which demands the goods are delivered in
                           desired quality, quantity, place & time.

                           A change made in the route of a shipment in transit. Also see Reconsignment.

                           The route of a shipment changed in transit from that shown on the original billing. Used
                           interchangeably with reconsign.

                           (a) The water alongside a pier or wharf. (b) Loading or unloading platform at an industrial
                           location or carrier terminal.

                           The basis of international trade by means of which payment is made against surrender of
                           specified documents.

                           Documents that give their owner the right to the goods, i.e. Bill of Lading.

                           Through transportation of a container and its contents from consignor's premises to
                           consignee's premises.

                           The repayment of customs duties paid on merchandise that later is exported either "as is"
                           or as part of a finished product

                           Cargo that does not require temperature control.  Page 7  “Trusted for over 120 Years”
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